Install Mozilla Firefox in Ubuntu

Mozilla Firefox is the ubiquitous web browser. Based on open source components, it is trademarked and cannot be altered or re-distributed with any change that involves the name or trademarks. Install the current version:
sudo apt-get install firefox
Firefox Plug-ins
Adblock plug-in (block ads in a web page)
Adblock Plus blocks ads that appear in web pages. You can subscribe to a free filter service, and can add ads to block with a single click.
sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox-adblock
  • You can also add this extension from Firefox -> Tools -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons -> Browse All Add-ons. (This method will also ensure that automatic updates are installed by Firefox.)
Noscript plug-in (controls scripts)
The Noscript plugin is considered one of the most important security measures for browsing the Internet. Most viruses and trojans gain access to computers from the Internet through scripts. This plugin allows you to choose which scripts to allow and blocks the rest.
sudo apt-get install mozilla-noscript
  • You can also add this extension from Firefox -> Tools -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons -> Browse All Add-ons. (This method will also ensure that automatic updates are installed by Firefox.)
User Agent Switcher plug-in for Firefox
The User Agent Switcher plugin allows a browser to masquerade as another browser, allowing (most of the time) browser-specific content to be displayed.
  • You can add this extension from Firefox -> Tools -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons -> Browse All Add-ons. (This method will also ensure that automatic updates are installed by Firefox.)
Video Download Helper plug-in for Firefox
The Video Download Helper plugin allows the download of videos (including Flash videos) from sites like YouTube.
  • You can add this extension from Firefox -> Tools -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons -> Browse All Add-ons. (This method will also ensure that automatic updates are installed by Firefox.)
Unplug Download Management
The UnPlug add-on lets you save video and audio which is embedded on a webpage.
  • You can add this extension from Firefox -> Tools -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons -> Browse All Add-ons. (This method will also ensure that automatic updates are installed by Firefox.)
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Firefox plug-in
This package also installs the Java Runtime Environment. (JRE is also installed when OpenOffice or ubuntu-restricted-extras is installed.)
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
Note: You must accept the license to use this product.
Adobe Acrobat Reader for Firefox Plug-in
This plugin is available from the Medibuntu repository. It allows you to view Adobe Acrobat files within the Firefox browser.
deb jaunty free non-free
  • Install:
sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins acroread-fonts
Adobe Flash Player for Firefox Plug-in
To install the official Adobe Flash plugin (Flash 10) for Firefox:
sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin
Gnash Plug-in (Open source Flash Player replacement)
Gnash is available in a 64-bit version as well as a 32-bit version. It is the open source replacement for Adobe Flashplayer.
sudo apt-get install gnash
After installing, change your web browser's Preferences -> Applications so that SWF and SPL files use Gnash.
VLC plug-in for Firefox
This package allows the popular VLC player to play media within the Firefox browser.
sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc
Gecko MediaPlayer Plug-in for Firefox
Gecko MediaPlayer is a browser plugin for all Gecko-based browsers (Firefox, SeaMonkey, IceApe, Opera) that allows Mplayer to play multimedia within the browser. Install:
sudo apt-get install gecko-mediaplayer
An alternative is to use the mplayer plugin for Firefox. Install:
 sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer
Kaffeine Plug-in for Firefox
This package allows the Kaffeine media player (often used in KDE-based desktops) to play multimedia within the Firefox browser.
sudo apt-get install kaffeine-mozilla
Helix player plug-in for Firefox
This package installs the Helix player (the open source player that plays Real Player content in Linux) as well as the plugin that plays RealMedia within the Firefox browser.
sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player
FireFTP for Firefox
FireFTP is a Firefox extension for FTP transfers.
Firefox Widgets
Turn off browser bar drop-down list in Firefox
This is the most frequently asked problem regarding Firefox. To turn off the location browser bar drop-down list (and therefore not show your browsing history):
Firefox -> about:config (in the location browser bar) -> browser.urlbar.maxRichResults -> right-click -> Modify -> set value to 0
For Updating FireFox Go Here -- >
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